Health News and Information

  • 3 Simple Steps to Follow If You Catch the Flu

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    April 27, 2023

    The common cold is pretty darn common. Each year, Americans catch approximately one billion colds. Each one will vary in severity, and each person will respond to getting sick differently, but on the whole, colds are fairly innocuous. The flu,…

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  • Conquer The Cold

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    March 27, 2023

    Having a sick kid isn't good for anyone. As a parent, you feel sympathetic to their current condition, yet in order to best take care of them, you need to stay healthy yourself. Doing this takes skill, practice, and the…

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  • What You Need To Know About Urgent Care

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    February 27, 2023

    Going to the hospital can be an incredibly long and painful process, and not just when you're in a life or death situation. Many individuals think the only option for after-hours care is the emergency room, but this is not…

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  • When to use the local Urgent Care Center?

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    December 16, 2022

    Life threatening crises, like a heart attack or a serious head injury, always demand either calling 911 or a trip to the hospital Emergency Room (ER). If you are in doubt about the seriousness of your situation, always go to…

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  • How Family Urgent Care Facilities Can Unclog Overcrowded Hospitals

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    November 16, 2022

    If you are in need of medical treatment but are unsure what warrants a hospital visit, consider an urgent care center. Hospitals can be quite crowded and often take a long time to provide care for anyone not in immediate…

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  • 3 Places In Your New Community That You Must Be

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    October 16, 2022

    When you move to a new community, there's always a lot to do. First, there's the move itself, then settling in, then learning the area. As you are becoming more comfortable at home, learning the area becomes the most important…

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  • Avoid the ER: Reasons to visit an Urgent Care Facility

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    July 16, 2022

    Dealing with medical emergencies can be extremely stressful, not to mention painful. If you are experiencing any unexpected pain, it's important that you know exactly what to do, who to talk to, and where to go. Urgent care facilities are…

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  • 5 Surprising Allergy Triggers Hiding in Your Home

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    June 7, 2022

    During allergy season, you wonder why your eyes are itchy, your nose stuffy, and your skin inflamed. Certain times of year are tough for those with allergic triggers in their homes, and some of these triggers you might not know…

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  • Four Simple Exercises For Seniors To Improve Balance

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    November 19, 2021

    As the body ages, loss of physical ability occurs. With every passing year, strength, flexibility, and endurance slowly erode. For seniors, counteracting these negative effects as best as possible is vital. Taking an active approach to fighting aging by regularly…

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  • The Four Origins of Pink Eye

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    October 26, 2021

    Pink Eye

    Your eyes are super watery, itchy, burning, and a bit pinkish. Oh no! Looks like it may be some sort of conjunctivitis (Pink Eye). If you want to know how to prevent the contraction of pink eye, you may need…

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