Accelerated Urgent Care

  • Five Ways to Align with Autumn for Well-Being

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Autumn is the season to wind down and establish balance in your lifestyle. As seasonal changes occur, all life on the planet adapts to alterations in factors like temperature and light so that they enter the period between the end…

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  • When Should You Go to the ER Instead of Urgent

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    When you're sick or injured, you want care as soon as possible. But the Emergency Department at your local hospital (ER for short) isn't always the best place to go -- it's extremely expensive and the wait is long. Urgent…

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  • The Effects and Triggers of Migraine Headaches

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    A migraine is a chronic headache that can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours.  Typically, more common in women than men, migraine headaches generally begin anywhere between childhood and early adulthood.  Migraines cause severe pulsating pain often accompanied by…

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  • MRSA Infections Explained

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    MRSA is the acronym for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are commonly carried on the skin or in the mucous membranes of the nose, even of healthy individuals. MRSAs may be asymptomatic or may have symptoms that begin…

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  • Keep Your Children Cool this Summer

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Cool Kids

    Many children love to get out and enjoy their summer breaks from school. They have free time to play outside, explore the world and be with their friends. However, the summer heat might prove to be too much for them.…

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  • 3 Simple Steps to Follow If You Catch the Flu

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    The common cold is pretty darn common. Each year, Americans catch approximately one billion colds. Each one will vary in severity, and each person will respond to getting sick differently, but on the whole, colds are fairly innocuous. The flu,…

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  • Conquer The Cold

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Having a sick kid isn't good for anyone. As a parent, you feel sympathetic to their current condition, yet in order to best take care of them, you need to stay healthy yourself. Doing this takes skill, practice, and the…

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  • What You Need To Know About Urgent Care

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Going to the hospital can be an incredibly long and painful process, and not just when you're in a life or death situation. Many individuals think the only option for after-hours care is the emergency room, but this is not…

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  • Urgent Care vs. Emergency Care

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Some medical problems do not need to be addressed quickly. But others are dangerous and cannot be left to wait. However, even within the category of time-sensitive health problems, there are important divisions. Most people, when they think of a…

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  • When to use the local Urgent Care Center?

    By  Accelerated Urgent Care

    Life threatening crises, like a heart attack or a serious head injury, always demand either calling 911 or a trip to the hospital Emergency Room (ER). If you are in doubt about the seriousness of your situation, always go to…

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