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Common Parental Emergencies You Will Face as Your Kids Grow Up

pedi centerBeing a parent means constantly being poised and prepared for something to go wrong. This could mean a broken plate or something much more serious, but children are a daily struggle. Here are some of the most common parental emergency situations and how to handle them.

  1. Tooth Pain
    Dealing with regular pedi center dentist visits might have seemed like a rough ride at the time, but it’s nothing until you take your child in to fix the source of their tooth pain. Kids generally don’t like dentists and pain isn’t going to change that, but as a parent, you absolutely know what’s best.
  2. Sick Days
    Five out of every six children will get at least one ear infection before turning three while almost 40% will have had three separate ear infections by that time. Pink eye is common for children. Kids catch more colds than adults. Face it, sick days are going to happen more often than you’d like. If your child is sick with one of these issues, take them to one of your local pediatric urgent care centers for an evaluation.
  3. Sprained Ankles
    Another time you should visit a pedi center is in the (inevitable) event that your young one twists an ankle while at recess.
  4. Broken Bones
    As your rowdy tike explores the world around them, they may end up with more than a few bumps and bruises. In fact, it’s probably safe to say your children may end up breaking more than one bone in their adventures. If or when that happens, don’t hesitate to visit your local urgent care free clinic.

Parenting is a wild ride. While it’s likely that you’ll run into more than a few of these emergencies during your career as a caregiver, know that you have all the resources you need to keep your children safe.