As the bright glimmer of the new year begins to fade, it’s natural for many people to start thinking about their lapsed New Year’s resolutions. But what do you do when your resolutions fail? Here are five tips to help you get back on track.
1. Don’t Give Up
Just because you didn’t achieve your resolution in the first month or two doesn’t mean you can’t still reach your goal. Keep working toward your goal and don’t give up on yourself. It’s okay to have setbacks but don’t let them stop you from continuing on your path.
No matter how much time has passed since you made your resolution, it’s never too late to get back on track. Many people make the mistake of thinking a single setback means it’s over. In reality, it’s not how many times you start and stop that matters; it’s the final result of success.

2. Set Realistic Goals
If your goal is to lose 100 pounds in two months, you’re likely setting yourself up for failure. Instead, try setting smaller goals that you can realistically achieve. This will help you stay motivated and avoid feeling discouraged.
If you have already set a lofty goal for yourself, consider breaking it up into bite-sized chunks. For example, if your goal is to get financially stable this year, consider setting smaller goals and milestones, such as figuring out a budget and starting a side hustle to earn extra money.
3. Make a Plan
Having a plan of action is essential for any goal. When your resolution fails, take some time to sit down and figure out what steps you need to take to reach your goal. This will help you avoid getting stalled in the future, as you will always have small, actionable steps to take in order to keep things moving forward.
Consider starting a new planner, or journaling your daily goals and accomplishments. A single week of keeping track of what you get done in a day could be all it takes to help you establish a realistic plan that works for your daily schedule.
4. Find a Support Group
There’s nothing like having a support group to help keep you accountable. Find friends or family members who will support your resolutions and help keep you on track. If you don’t have anyone in your day-to-day life who can help keep you accountable, consider joining a support group online. Facebook and LinkedIn are two social media platforms filled with groups dedicated to individuals looking to reach a common goal.

5. Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
Everyone makes mistakes at times, so don’t be too hard on yourself when your resolutions fail. Acknowledge that you made a mistake and then move on. Dwelling on your past failures will only discourage you from trying again in the future.
It’s important to have a positive attitude when it comes to goal-setting. Remember that failure is not permanent, and you can always start fresh the next day. Confidence and a willingness to learn are two key factors in long-term success, no matter what you are hoping to achieve.
If you are feeling particularly discouraged, consider taking a short intermission from focusing on your resolutions. Go for a walk, take time to enjoy a favorite hobby, or spend time with people who motivate you. When you’re feeling refreshed and motivated, start working on your resolutions again.
These are just a few tips to help you get back on track when your resolutions fail. No matter what, don’t give up on yourself and know that you can still succeed and meet your goals.