Chronic migraines create an ongoing and often debilitating condition for those who suffer them. There are many different ways to alleviate persistent migraine symptoms, from simple lifestyle changes to minor surgery. Here are four successful ways to reduce or eliminate chronic migraines.

Imagine suffering debilitating and intense headaches intermittently for two or more weeks out of every month. These severe headaches can include hypersensitivity to loud noise and bright lights, nausea, and pulsing pain. Unfortunately, this is the reality for those who experience chronic migraines. The two most common examples of chronic migraine patterns(1) include:
-Those who experienced regular headaches that advanced to the point that one overlapped the other without relief in-between
-Those who began to suffer from a headache one day that refuses to subside
Fortunately, there are methods for chronic migraine sufferers to find relief and finally break free from the persistent pain.
Identify the Catalyst for Migraine Onset
There are specific activities, environments, and situations that may be responsible for triggering chronic migraines. One method for identifying what might be causing the migraine is to document relevant details following symptoms. Include the following information about your migraine:

-What were you doing when symptoms occurred?
-How long did the symptoms last?
-What were you feeling just before the onset of the migraine
After a few weeks of documenting these chronic migraine episodes, a pattern may begin to develop. Once you reveal a possible trigger, you can then take steps to minimize your exposure.
Treat Comorbid Conditions
One of the causes or contributing factors for chronic migraines can be other medical issues that need attention. For example, if you also experience anxiety, depression, or other diagnosed conditions(2), these may be a factor in creating chronic migraine symptoms. It would be best to seek medical treatment for these or other regular health concerns to reduce migraine symptoms.
Reduce Your Risk with Exercise
Another great way to help alleviate migraine symptoms is to get regular exercise. Those who are overweight have a greater risk for chronic migraines(3) than those in good shape. If you haven’t exercised recently, make sure you start gradually and don’t over-stress your body. Weight loss is a journey and not accomplished overnight, so pace yourself. A few excellent low-impact exercise activities include:

Advanced Medical Options
If none of the above options give you relief from chronic migraines, some revolutionary medical treatments are available with proven results. A Migraine Procedure is a minor surgical option that involves a device that interrupts the migraine pain messages before they reach the brain. In addition, options for patients that undergo this procedure include a remote control so that when a chronic migraine strikes, a simple push of a button relieves the pain.
Stop Suffering and Start Living Again
If you’ve been dealing with chronic migraines, consider seeking out knowledgeable medical staff to guide you through treatment options. Renowned and well-respected physicians have helped many patients just like you experience fuller and more prosperous lives without the weight of chronic migraines holding them down.
Adults suffering from headaches, including migraine headaches and tension headaches, along with anemia, diarrhea, gout, asthma, abdominal pain, back pain, allergic reactions, and side effects from medication can receive treatment from Accelerated Urgent Care.
To learn more about our services: Click here.

3. Booth, S. Chronic migraines: What you need to know. WebMD. Retrieved September 9, 2021, from
2. Robert, T. Chronic migraine management and treatment. Retrieved September 9, 2021, from
1. Weatherall, M. W. (2015, May). The diagnosis and treatment of chronic migraine. Therapeutic advances in chronic disease. Retrieved September 9, 2021, from