Back Pain: Common Causes and Solutions

Lower Back Pain
Lower Back Pain

Back pain is a painful, debilitating condition that can cost you many workdays or even disable you. Back pain is a leading cause of disability and affects people of all ages. The back is a complex system that includes bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscle, and nerves. So, while this article might help you understand what’s going on with your body, you should visit an expert to pinpoint the source of your back pain.

Back Pain

What causes back pain?

There are many causes for back pain; however, your chances of developing backache can increase if you have medical conditions, pre-existing injuries, or work under uncomfortable conditions.

If you suffer from spinal conditions, such as disk problems or scoliosis, there’s a good chance that a misaligned disk is pinching a nerve. Likewise, whole-body structural conditions like osteoporosis or arthritis, can also weaken your vertebrae, making it harder for your spine to support your weight.

Other times, back pain is self-induced. The human spine wasn’t designed to carry a heavy load, so all it takes is lifting one heavy object to overstrain or injure it. That’s why, when lifting a heavy object, make sure you bend your knees and pick it up using your legs to avoid putting too much strain on your disks.

Finally, the third most common cause of back pain is walking or sitting with poor posture. Siting for long periods or over-stretching your spine can cause conditions like herniation or sciatic pain.

Lower Back Pain

How do you treat back pain?

Since back pain is often caused by a combination of factors, treating it requires changing your lifestyle for the better. For example, pain relievers like ibuprofen, or even ice packs, can offer immediate relief, but they will only mask the pain without offering long term effects.

Reducing your refined sugars and trans fats intake, both of which cause inflammation, as well as exercising regularly, will strengthen your whole body and reduce inflammation. Likewise, practicing will strengthen the body and retrain your posture without risking an injury.

For stronger cases, doctors can apply injection treatments like nerve blocks and steroid injections, which go directly into the area where the pain is coming from. Only a small amount of cases — like when there is a herniated disk or nerve compression — require surgery. So, make sure you discuss surgical options with your MD if your pain won’t go away after improving your lifestyle.

Back pain can make your life miserable if you leave it untreated. So don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Make sure you talk with your medical practitioner today to find the source of your pain and make the lifestyle changes needed to kiss your pain away.