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5 Tools Every Parent Needs For Sick Days

nearby urgent care

Parenting is hard enough without having to deal with sick children. From packing school lunches to drawn-out bedtime rituals, parents rarely have it easy. When your kids get sick, though, life takes an even more trying turn. So, what are some of the tools you can use to help deal with sick children?

  1. Nearby Urgent Care Centers
    Just like the congestion in your children’s noses, nearby hospitals quickly get clogged up with patients seeking care. As a parent, you can use a nearby urgent care center instead if the cold is particularly nasty. The Urgent Care Association of America estimates that there are 3 million patients nationwide per week. Treatment for the common cold and other non-life-threatening health issues are available.
  2. Local Hospitals
    If your children get sick with a fever, or something life threatening, knowing the best way to get emergency care is crucial. This knowledge is something no parent ever wants to use but is necessary for keeping your kids safe.
  3. Extensive First Aid Kits
    Beyond your simple bandages and ointment, there are many helpful tools every parent should have in a first aid kit. Cough syrup, a thermometer, nausea medicine, gauze, aspirin, and allergy medicine are all essentials.
  4. Fresh Soup Ingredients
    Nothing helps children recover from a cold quite like a hot bowl of homemade soup. This will ensure they are getting a good amount of liquid and nutrition despite feeling sick.
  5. A Sick Day Comforting Ritual
    Just like a bedtime ritual, having a certain routine for sick kids can be incredibly beneficial. Whether you stay home with them and read or play mindless board games, a ritual will help ease your children’s anxiety about being sick.

Even though having sick kids is hard for everyone, it isn’t the end of the world as long as you are equipped with the right tools to handle it. The tools discussed above will give you the confidence to provide the medical and emotional support your children need. Plus, having the knowledge and tools you need will make handling a family illness much more routine, taking away some of the stress you typically would endure.