How do I find Urgent Care near me in Bakersfield California?
Do you have questions regarding how to find an urgent care center near you? Accelerated Urgent Care has a center that is near you when you are in Bakersfield. Here are a few thoughts that can help you as you think about this question.
Research Urgent Care centers that are close to your location. You need to be prepared if you find yourself in sudden need of an urgent care center. Take a look at the following Accelerated Urgent Care centers in Bakersfield and note their easily accessible locations.
AUC Brimhall Road
Located at 9710 Brimhall Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93312, this center is easy to find and access. It is near you if you find yourself in central or northern Bakersfield. The location is easily accessible and located near the Mondavi, Windsong, Brimhall Estates and Greenacres regions of the city. This center is close by taking Westside parkway to Calloway Drive and then proceeding to the intersection of Calloway Drive and Brimhall road.
AUC Stockdale Highway
This advanced center is located at 9500 Stockdale Hwy #100, Bakersfield, CA 93311. If you are in the area of the highway, you will find this urgent care center very near you. California State University Bakersfield is close by. Students at the University should consider this urgent care center nearest to their location. The communities of Seven Oaks and River Oaks are also close to this nearby Urgent Care center. In addition, if you find yourself in need of urgent care and are close to nearby Kern River recreational areas this urgent care center is convenient and quick to access.
AUC White Lane
Our urgent care center at 4871 White Ln, Bakersfield, CA 93309 is a good choice for anyone located near the regional communities of Sage Point, Venola, The Oaks, Campus Park, Amberton of Wible Orchard. Residents of these areas, will find that our White Lane location is the closest urgent care center in these regions.
Each of our advanced centers have locations and services that are tailored to the communities they serve. Our staff is locally sourced and is well versed in the needs of the individual areas that they serve.
If you are looking for Outstanding Patient care and customer service close to you, look no further. Accelerated Urgent Care has multiple locations that focus on and take pride in serving the Bakersfield Community.